What is TMS?Where does pain come from? Some pain comes from structural abnormalities. For this type of pain, chiropractic manipulation and surgery are recommended. There is another side of pain and it comes from a different source -- triggered repressed emotions. The medical term for this unexplained pain is TMS -Tension Myositis Syndrome. The pain of TMS is caused by mild oxygen deprivation of muscles, ligaments and nerves as a result of conflict between the conscious and unconscious mind.
This Syndrome was first explored by Dr. John E. Sarno at NYU's Rusk Institute in the late 1970's and early 1980's. He described in detail the theory showing the connections between the emotions, the brain, the limbic system, and the autonomic nervous system that generate this process. The end products are tissues that cause local pain (trigger points, areas of spasm) and sometimes distant pain (sciatica, etc.). The cure is educational and psychological and is highly effective in most patients. Though benign, TMS is a very painful condition. It can bring patients to the point of disability. Sometimes this excruciating pain can lead to drug abuse. It starts with pain that is impossible to tolerate. The patient tries one pain killer, then goes to a stronger one, and so on. Before he knows it, he is dependent on narcotics. TMS is a disorder that may cause back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia or other conditions that are successfully treated in most cases. It is a soft-tissue condition that can involve the muscles, ligaments and nerves of the back and neck. People who have TMS are likely to be people who are perfectionistic, self-critical and highly responsible for others. The pain in TMS is caused or is worsened by tension and, in most cases, can be eliminated by a mental process that involves focusing on the emotional rather than the physical. That's right, the pain can be eliminated by focusing on the emotional rather than the physical. I am conducting a special Holistic Pain Management Program based on Dr. Sarno's seminars. TMS is a diagnosis that is not yet well known or accepted in the medical field because of the split between mind and body that pervades medical thought. For example, if the condition is mental, the patient is, therefore, psychiatric. Likewise, if the condition is physical, the patient needs surgery or medication. There has not been a meeting of the minds, so to speak, where physicians can heal via treatment of both mind and body. Do you have TMS? |